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Hydropower in a class of its own — now we are raising the hydrowatts

At Skellefteå Kraft, we have been producing electricity from hydropower for over 100 years. A huge volume of renewable electricity, which is also stable and ready when we need it.
På svenska. When it all started, electricity was produced for a few light bulbs.

But a lot has been happening in 100 years: Battery factories, electric vehicles and server halls. Electricity is increasingly in demand in today’s society.

Fortunately, hydropower can produce a huge amount of renewable electricity, just when it is needed. Whether it’s cold, dark or there is no wind.

Now we are raising the hydrowatts

To meet the ever increasing energy demand for all the electric cars and so on, we intend to upgrade our hydroelectric plants. With the smallest possible environmental impact.

We are aiming to increase the power quite a lot, by 337 megawatts, without building new power plants and dams. This means we can contribute even more to achieving climate targets and ensuring the continued security of the renewable electricity supply.

So hydropower will have as important a role as it had 100 years ago, but in a slightly different way.

Sweden’s green battery in the north

As you can understand, hydropower is a big part of Skellefteå Kraft’s history.

It is also an important factor in why Sweden today has one of the best energy systems in the world.

Today, almost half of Sweden’s electricity every year comes from hydropower. There are just over 2,000 hydropower stations in Sweden and 80 per cent of the electricity generation from hydropower is in Norrland.



Stefan Forsgren pressbild

“At Skellefteå Kraft, we have been working with hydropower for more than 100 years. It is an important part of our history but also a big and important part of our 100% renewable future.”

Stefan Forsgren, Business Area Manager Power Systems at Skellefteå Kraft

100 projects for 100% renewable power
A Renewable Electric Car Pool
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